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Bruce's 928 | Selling the Dream Car


I bought my Porsche 928 in July of 2014 and have done significant work to restore the car and give it some custom touches. I documented that process in a 10 Part YouTube series called Bruce’s 928. I never thought the day would ever come that I would sell this Porsche but the right buyer came along at the right time. I am selling my Porsche 928 S4 to Max Im who has been in love with 928’s since he was a teenager. In this segment we talk to Max as he takes ownership of this beautiful classic Porsche.


The idea was from my son. My son said, you know, he was going to surprise me for my birthday with a Porsche 928.

Hi folks and welcome to Center Lane, I’m Bruce Hitchen. Well today is a bit bittersweet for me because this is the day that I’m selling my 928. I know that people would have though, oh, I’ll never sell that 928. In fact, in the past I’ve said this is my forever car and I’ll never sell it but a fellow by the name of Max Im reached out to me from California he had seen my video episodes and decided that he wanted to make me an offer on the car and I decided to sell it. So, I’ve had the car for eight years. It’s a beauty. I’m sure I’m gonna shed a few tears today, when I see this car drive away. But, it’s going to the right owner and in-fact, I had a chance to speak with Max.

I'm from Korea. You know, I was a teenager but I grew up in LA. Growing up in the 80’s, it was like my dream car because one of my friends dad had a 928. That was the first time I ever saw that car. It was early 80’s. So it was like, wow! What kind of car was it?

Max didn’t think he’d ever be able to own a 928 but the thought of having onewas never far from his mind.

My son took me to furniture store. The furniture store owner has Porsche 928. I look at the car, I say, oh my goodness this is a Porsche 928. My son look at me, “dad, you like this?” Yah. I love this car but I never thought that I was like buy one, own one but this is amazing!

Growing up, Max’s mom instilled a strong work ethic in Max.

Yah. She is my hero. You know, she came to the United States with three kids. Me with my two sisters. She sacrificed her life for her kids. My mom always taught me how you have to live your life. Respect others and be humble no matter what you have. How much money you have. She said, money will come to you. You don’t chase money. You just do your best every single day.

Doing well was exactly what Max has done. He’s built a successful

business and has a loving family.

My son said, you know, he was going to surprise me for my birthday with a Porsche 928. So I watched most of YouTube related to 928. One day I saw, Bruce’s 928. I said awe wait a minute. He’s doing exactly what I was going to do. So I started looking at YouTube channel. Then you had a series. I watched the whole thing. One through ten. And over and over again, I said, Wow! Awe. I knew, I knew you were going to sell it. It wasn’t, it was not for sale. The reason I reached out to you, I said one day, he might consider selling his car. Then, I wanted to be the first one. I don’t know if one day is next year, five years. I could wait because, that’s the car I really wanted. First thing, when you reach out to me after getting my email I was like, yeah! This is a sign. This is a sign. One day I’m going to have his car, which is my dream car. I ask you, so before we talk about more about the car, I ‘d like to, I’d like to meet you in person. Then you say, okay. So I figure, you know what? I’m going to fly to Vancouver right away. Then next week, I flew to Vancouver. You know, I came here to see you and you came out with your wife with car. We didn’t talk that much about the car. We didn’t negotiate, we didn’t talk about the money. We talked about family, your kid, your son got married, and I talked about my son. You know, it was all about the family thing. So, to me family value is more than anything else. I knew. That car has a lot of stories. I want to buy the story I’m not buy the car, I’m buying a story So to me, my dream came true. It’s not just…I’m getting my dream car plus, I’m getting all the memories and story from him. Yeh, I tell all my employees, you’re not working for me. You’re working for yourself. Do your best. I tell my son the same thing. You’re doing your best at whatever you do, one day you’re going to get the fruit. That fruit tastes so sweet. This Porsche, I will keep it forever. Maybe, if my son one day if he wants to take over, of course, I’m not going to sell it so far. I appreciate you did the same thing, you don’t plan…that car was not for sale.

Yeh, so I keep it forever, until I find somebody…just like me, or you.

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